Nikolai Gogol

i started learning july 9th of this year so plz be patient :P
I love nikolai Gogol both as a character and an author. this website is just a place for he to dump my info and thoughts about the bungo stray dogs character "The longer and more cafefully we look at a funny story, the sadder it becomes." here is the wiki fandom!!!
why i think hes a good character
his whole idea of freedom is very interesting to me.
the want to be as free as a bird is somthing a lot of people
have talked about, but true freedom is the freedom from ones own
will and wants. I find that idea very interesting. He strives to be free even
when its distroying him and makeing him lose the people he cares about. killing the only person who understands him. He fights to be free and oposes every natural human instincts. Hes insane but at the same time hes not. everything that he does is to proove a point. he feels remorse. he feels bad. Nikolai just makes me sad in every way, theres no univers where he can be happy and live without needing to fulfill this idea to himself. hes a sad man in a costume of a happy jester.
I relate to him. i relate to him a lot.
I love his Ability. As both a reference to the short story
The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol and as an Ability. To me a power like
portals without restraint/weaknesses is boring. haveing the overcoat
be a marker for where he can start a portal is just a vert cool cosept to
me and is exicuted very well in the manga/anime. The best use of a
portal in media ive seen is the the part where nikolai fakes his
death, he uses his ability to take someone elses torso so that it looks like hes realy the one geting cut in half :3. he can also drop something at one point and hold it there until he wishes to use it. I wish i had a power like that \(^o^)/ with a range of 30 meters you can do a lot!!!
His relationship with fyodor is another thing that i love about his character.
the fact that fyodor is probly just useing him but is the only one who ever understood him. its
somthing that just makes me so sad. He apreceates Fyodor and would do anything
for him but he still gives that up for true freedom
from all fealings and restaints of the human experience. yes i ship them but i
still find there relationship so sad. the way Nikolai says yes and no to the question of
if he wanted to kill fyodor or not makes me so sad. Another thing
that i cry over is the fact the Fyolai is very onesided. Fyodor is only ever useing him
:( Nikolai realy does care for him but fyodor only sees him as a tool for his plans.
God it just makes me so upset
His outfit is very cool. although one time i was in Nikolai cosplay and someone called me monochromatic oncler???? I dont know, but what i do know is that his outfit is very interesting! I love the black and white, also the whole jester thing. its just very fitting for the authors own works, a jester who is truly just a sad man. Every characters design in Bsd is very well thought out and i love it! the next thing is not canon but i think it should be, white facepaint and a more victorian style of makeup on Nikolai just looks so good!!!!! I love drawing nikolai in victorian outfits :3
I wish his character design was more detailed!!!!!!!!!!\(>^<)/ I makeing a cosplay of him rn and im adding a ton of details into it. personly I like to belive it is. Every time I draw him I give him a kind of goth clown makeup. I cant see him any other way tbh
When I draw him I give him a few religious undertones, not as many as Fyodor but a few little details I think make sense! :3
I think
Art i think is cool :3
Updates X3
right now im working on basic coading and all that jazz!!!! this will wb updaded a lot less frequently tho :( school started a few weeks ago so i have a lot less free time >:(
My other acounts ^^